This list was compiled by IgoUgo (www.igougo.com) which is owned by Travelocity with comments by the site's readers and is not endorsed by Reuters:
1. Vienna
"Each spring for the past few years, I've indulged in a solo trip to Europe, usually prompted by some long-standing fantasy I've had. One year I tramped around Dartmoor; another found me footloose in London. But this year's trip was one I'd dreamt about for decades: to Vienna, to sample its mind-boggling array of concerts and operas."
2. Rio de Janeiro
"Somente mim: Just me in Rio. Although not the obvious way to visit this city, Rio rewards those who travel solo."
3. Florence
"This was one of the most crazy/exciting things I have ever done. I felt like I could conquer anything after that trip. Everything was very intense, and I have so many incredible memories of the places and people. I'm glad I chose Florence for my first solo experience, because it was the perfect size city for a solo woman to conquer."
4. Parque Nacional Volcan Baru, Panama"For me, this hike was more mental than physical. Alone in a foreign country, hiking at night, up a volcano, after an earthquake - that was what made this hike tough (and extremely rewarding)."
5. Marseille, France
"A young, multicultural population gives Marseille a unique flavor. Marseille had a rough reputation in the past, but the city is now about as safe as most major cities. As in any other city, it's wise to stay alert and pay attention to your pockets and your possessions, but even as a woman traveling solo, I never felt threatened."
6. Ayampe, Ecuador
"This tiny fishing village is not the most common place to visit the beach in Ecuador, but it was perfect for me, isolated and lovely, with the chance to mingle with locals and really relax."
7. Malta
"Every year, I like to go someplace for a few days to celebrate my birthday, and I often head to a spot in Western Europe. This year, though, I wanted to do something a bit different. My criteria? Someplace I'd never been before, someplace I could spend only a week yet still feel like I'd gotten a good flavor of the place, and someplace warmer than Chicago in winter (okay, the last part is admittedly pretty easy!). I also wanted a place where there was culture in the form of museums, historic sites, and the like, and a place where I'd feel comfortable going solo."
8. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
"Traveling solo to a resort on the tail end of a breakup sounded crazy to me too, until I tried it. If you are looking for an adventure, or a little "me" time, consider Puerto Vallarta, a little gem on the Pacific that's very good for the soul. There seemed to be more students and single people there, as opposed to the ever present army of honeymooners you find in places like Cancun. Everywhere I went I found myself in conversation with people from around the world. The day-long excursions from the marina are a great way to meet people. As a solo traveler, I felt quite at home and quickly got acquainted with fellow travelers."9. Angkor, Cambodia
"I had a good time talking to the locals, even monks. They are so friendly and surprisingly they speak good English! It was wonderful to learn about the Cambodian way of life and their scarred history from the mouths of the locals; some even related their own experience to me. I made friends with a local who took me for a night tour around the villages."
10. Maldives
"Equipped with the book Swahili for the Broken-Hearted, and with my own broken heart, I set off for my holiday. The beauty of the island touched my soul and it probably happens to everyone, as locals were just giving me shy smiles and nodding toward me, "Your first time here?""
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